That Entrepreneur Show

Mr. Lanci Talks Mental Health Audiobook

Subscriber Episode Vincent A. Lanci

Subscriber-only episode

Thank you for subscribing! As a thank you, enjoy the audiobook version of Host Vincent A. Lanci's mental health book for older students and adults, Mr. Lanci Talks Mental Health.

For information on signed copies, email Danica at
It is on Amazon, too! You can check it out here.

Thank you for supporting this show since December 7, 2019. We appreciate you and stay tuned for the next subscriber-only show.

Want the freebie from our guest? Question for our guest or Vincent? Or, want to become a guest or show partner? Email Danica at

Music Credits: Copyright Free Music from Adventure by MusicbyAden.

Show Partners:
Coming Alive Podcast Production:
John Ford's Empathy Card Set: